Frequently asked questions

How much is shipping?

We offer free shipping to most countries, including Japan, North America, most European countries excluding certain regions, and some Asian countries. Shipments are made via Japan Post. You can find a list of countries that qualify for free shipping here.

How do I make a return?

If you are within 30 days of your order delivery, you can request a refund at Original packaging for return is not required but we are not responsible for devices damaged due to poor packaging. If you are reusing a box, please remove or cover all barcodes and existing labels.

Can I track my order?

Unfortuanately, free shipping does not include tracking. If you would like tracking, you can upgrade to EMS(Express Mail Service). The cost of EMS shipping depends on the destination country.

For US orders, we offer EMS shipping for $30. EMS is free for orders over $500. If you wish to upgrade to EMS, please email us at before you order.

How do international returns work?

The buyer is responsible for international shipping costs to return a device for both 30 day returns and warranty returns. we cover the costs of sending a repair/replacement device. Replacement devices are given a value of $1 (buyer is always responsible for all taxes and duties).

When will I receive my order?

You can find our current shipping estimates here.

How can I cancel my order?

To cancel your order, please email us at with your order number. You can cancel your order for a full refund up until it ships.

Do you offer a warranty?

We offer a 1-year limited warranty against hardware defects. Our policy is to verify hardware issues over email before making a billable repair. If you believe your hardware is defective, please send us an email at with a description of the issue and any relevant photos or videos. We cannot provide shipping return labels for international devices with warranty issues.

Where does my order ship from?

All orders ship from our warehouse in Nara, Japan.

Where do we ship?

Please see our list of countries that qualify for free shipping here.

Got questions?

You can find frequently asked questions and answers on our customer service page.

Customer Service